Vinyl Record Press

Compact Discs have put a huge dent in the vinyl record industry, but vinyl records are still being made. Gotta Groove Records, located in Tyler Village, in Cleveland, produces high quality vinyl records on this press, originally built in the late 1960s or early 1970s.

Vinyl Record Press - Front View
Vinyl Record Press – Front View
Vinyl Record Press - Side View
Vinyl Record Press – Side View
Vinyl Record Press - Rear View
Vinyl Record Press – Rear View

Raw vinyl is extruded, bringing its temperature to approximately 300 degrees, and formed into a hockey puck-like biscuit of hot vinyl. Labels are applied to either side of the biscuit, which is pressed between two plates, or “pressers.” The pressed record is then cooled, and trimmed. In seconds raw vinyl is transformed to a high quality record.

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